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Student Payment Policy

Student Payment Policy

Last updated on September 12th, 2017

At Superior Learning, our goal is to make your experience easy and unforgettable. We want to simplify your process of hiring a tutor, from finding your tutor to booking your appointment to having your actual session. By following these 4 principles, we are certain that Superior Learning will be a pleasure for you to work with.

A. No fees. Flexible options.
B. Simple, safe, and easy transactions
C. Tutor review after every session
D. Phone and email support

A. No Fees. Flexible Options.

Whether you are looking for a long-term tutor for the entire school year or just a one-time refresher, you can use Superior Learning platform anytime, anywhere, with absolutely no upfront costs. For your tutoring needs, you may pay as you go ("hourly") or purchase a package ("package") if offered by your tutor for better pricing option.

B. Simple, Safe, and Easy Transactions

Each time you book an appointment with a tutor and your appointments gets accepted, you will receive a confirmation email from Superior Learning. The email shows the lesson start time, end time, location, and tutor name. You also have the option of requiring the tutor to include a lesson report with details about each lesson. Any questions with the hours reported should be discussed with the tutor who can then amend the lesson details. Superior Learning customer support is also available to help resolve discrepancies.

  • To ensure no discrepancies remain with the tutor's hours, all payments are required to be paid prior to the start of the session. As the user, you have the choice of selecting an hourly or a package option, only if the latter is provided by your tutor.
  • All payments on Superior Learning are made online using the best payment system company, PayPal. This is done to ensure your privacy (as we collect none of your financial information) as well as full financial security.
  • After your payment is submitted, Superior Learning will send you an email confirmation specifying that your payment has been received.
  • Unless the tutor first gets your permission to change the hourly or package rate(s), you are grandfathered in for three months at the rate that appeared on the tutor’s profile when you initially
  • made contact. (Some tutors may want to adjust their hourly/package rates for things like travel orgroup lessons, but you’ll always be asked to confirm all changes.)
  • Remember, when you hire a tutor, you are entering into a business relationship directly with that tutor. Therefore, please consult with your tutor about his or her cancellation policy prior to beginning lessons. Tutors’ cancellation policies are also listed on their profiles.
  • If you are considering using a Superior Learning tutor for online or telephone tutoring, proofreading, or other work, it’s important that you have a thorough conversation and reach an agreement with your tutor about the expectations of the cost and work product prior to beginning lessons.

C. Tutor Review After Every Session

Upon the completion of your session with the tutor, we recommend that you leave your candid, honest review of your tutoring experience on the tutor's profile page. This allows the tutor to constantly improve on his/her services and also provides other potential users to get a better understanding of the tutor.

D. Phone and Email Support

Superior Learning has a staff of committed customer support representatives available to assist you and answer any questions that you may have. We want to hear from you, so please don’t hesitate to contact our customer support team for any reason. Simply contact us at (647) 296-9098 or email us at [email protected] and we will gladly assist you.

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