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Tutor Payment Policy

Tutor Payment Policy

Last updated on September 12th, 2017

By registering as a tutor with Superior Learning ("the website," "company," or "superiorlearning.ca"), you (“tutor”) agree that the following terms and conditions will govern all payments made to you by students through the Superior Learning system.

A. Conditions for Guaranteeing Payments

Superior Learning is a marketplace that connects those seeking tutoring services to those seeking to provide those services. Superior Learning also provides a pass-through payment processing service to its users, meaning that payments distributed to tutors originate from their students. Superior Learning offers tutors a layer of protection in the collection of their funds but, if any of the following conditions are not met and Superior Learning becomes unable to collect your payment from the parent, student, or other type of account-holder (collectively, "student") to whom you gave a lesson, Superior Learning cannot guarantee that your payment will be successfully collected, processed and distributed to you:

a) The tutor arranges session with the student for a period of time in which the student has purchased his/her services, no more and no less. Unless otherwise agreed to by the tutor and student, the start and end time will be considered to be the times of the actual tutoring lesson, not arrival and departure times to and from the tutoring location.

b) Tutors only attend for sessions with students that have made the payment. Simply agreeing to an appointment does not mean the tutor should attend the session. The Tutor must only attend once the payment from the student has been submitted.

c) The lesson is delivered in-person at a mutually agreed upon location. If the lesson is delivered remotely through another medium, such as via the internet, email, telephone or Skype, or in the instance when the tutor does proofreading or other asynchronous, non-tutoring work with the student, the tutor must obtain written confirmation from the student to the tutor's Superior Learning email address that acknowledges the nature of the work to be done and the expectations of the time and cost required to complete the work.

d) The tutor's services are instructive and constitute learning, not cheating. More specifically, the tutor is not to complete assignments, write papers, take quizzes or otherwise do work on the student's behalf. Further, the services that the tutor offers must not violate the academic honesty policy or other conduct policies of the student's school, university, academic institution or workplace.

e) Prior to a lesson being given, the tutor has received a Superior Learning subject approval for the specific subject area of the lesson.

f) The tutor does not collect or request payment directly from the student by cash, cheque or otherwise, for the lesson.

g) For cancellation fees assessed to a student, the cancellation penalty is both consistent with the cancellation policy publicly displayed on the tutor's profile and is explained to the student prior to the occurrence of the cancellation.

h) For so long as the tutor operates on Superior Learning's tutoring platform, the tutor shall not disclose or communicate any confidential information of the company to any person or entity other than Superior Learning nor use said confidential information for any purpose or reason other than the benefit of the company.

i) The tutor is over 18 years old and is eligible to work in Canada.

B. Payment Method

a) Subject to providing the services as outlined above, Superior Learning will submit the payment to the tutor email transfer, cheque, or direct deposit, upon the completion of every 5 session hours or every 4 weeks, whichever occurs first. The tutor must fill and complete the Record of Attendance form - sent to tutor via email - as proof of evidence for services provided to the client. Once Attendance form has been submitted back by the tutor, he/she will receive payment within 3-5 business days.

b) For each request of withdrawing fund before 5 hours or 4 weeks, the Tutor is required  to pay

$1.50 CAD for transaction fee. Hence, we recommend tutors to adhere to company's payment method as outlined in part a)

C. Calculation of Tutor Payments

a) The tutor sets and adjusts their own hourly session rate. The tutor also has the option to set and adjust their own package rates, which consist of a bundle of hours, to be set at a discounted price. Changing the default hourly/package rate(s) will affect students who email a tutor after the time the change is made. Students who have been in contact with a tutor within three months prior to the time the rate change is made will be continue to be subject to the hourly rate that was listed
on the tutor's profile at the time they first contacted the tutor; in order to change the rate for one of these students, the student must acknowledge the rate change via a rate change request email.

b) Superior Learning's commission varies inversely with the number of hours accumulated through the platform. All tutors agree to the following commission structure:

Hours Worked

The Principal's %









c) Non-tutoring charges should be incorporated into the hourly rate. Travel, parking, prep time or other expenses that you wish to defray to the customer must first be agreed to by the student. The mechanism to assess these charges is to adjust your hourly rate. Under no circumstances should the tutor receive payments directly from the student.

Questions? Contact us at [email protected] and we will gladly assist you.

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